How-to: Catch it, Check it, Change it module

5-minute read. Take breaks as needed or .

Quick Summary

  • The Catch It, Check It, Change It module is designed to help you notice and reshape thinking patterns that might be keeping you stuck, anxious or low.
  • This module helps you understand how your interpretation of situations affects your feelings and behaviour.

Here's how it works:


Catch it:
Notice Your Thoughts: Actively observe your thoughts, especially those that are distressing or unhelpful. Pick a specific situation that has happened recently, where your interpretation has led to some unpleasant or unhelpful emotions.

This is the A-B-C. Something Activates the process, setting off your Belief. The belief is what you tell yourself about the situation, and can sometimes be judgmental or negative. The way we think impacts how we feel- and these feelings are the Consequences.

Check it:
Ask yourself questions like, "What evidence supports this thought?" or "How might someone else view this situation?" Sometimes there are many ways to think about the same event.

Change it:
Replace Unhelpful Thoughts: Consider alternative interpretations that lead to more helpful emotions and behaviours. You don’t need to put on rose-tinted glasses, just work towards a more balanced view on things. Notice if the new thought makes you feel or behave any differently.

Remember, small, believable shifts in thinking are more effective than unrealistic positive thoughts. Practice this skill repeatedly to make it intuitive.

You can refer back to these instructions whenever you need to; your module answers will auto-save as you go.

Once you’re finished, you’ll be able to access your answers again through My Support, so that you can refer back to them yourself later or share them with a support person.